Loose coupling enables components to change aspects of their behaviour without impacting other components. 通过松散耦合,组件可以变更各自的行为,而不会对其他组件造成影响。
By using the ScriptAssure technology, you can create a tight or loose coupling on an object as required. 通过使用ScriptAssure技术,您可以为所需测试的对象创建一个紧密或松散的关系。
Partnering, however, provides only a loose coupling rather than an integrated solution. 然而,伙伴关系提供的是一种松散耦合,而不是一种集成解决方案。
Layering also promotes loose coupling, because the internal workings of each layer can be changed without affecting other layers or applications. 分层还促进了松散耦合,因为可以更改每层的内部工作,而不影响其他层或应用程序。
SOA offers business agility and resilience through reuse, loose coupling, flexibility, interoperability, integration and governance. SOA通过重用、松散耦合、灵活性、互操作性、集成和治理提供了业务敏捷性和弹性。
A key objective of SOA is loose coupling between components. SOA的一个关键目标就是组件间的松散耦合。
This breakdown allow for loose coupling between service providers and consumers. 通过这样进行分解,可以在服务提供者和使用者间实现松散耦合。
Cloud application security impacts certain characteristics strongly: Multi-tenancy, parallelism, and loose coupling introduce additional security needs. 云应用程序安全性会对特定的特征产生重大影响:多租户、并行性和松耦合性都会增加安全性需求。
ESB enables service virtualization and loose coupling between service requesters and service providers. ESB支持服务请求者和服务提供者之间的服务虚拟化和松散耦合。
Coarse-grained components exhibit loose coupling, whereas fine-grained components are often tightly coupled. 粗粒度组件体现的是松散耦合,而细粒度组件经常是紧密耦合的。
Loose coupling is introduced by a proxy which invokes the call. 松耦合是通过一个发起调用的代理引入的。
Loose coupling and statelessness. 松耦合和无状态性。
To support multi-tenancy, your application needs to engage distributed storage, parallelism, security, and loose coupling. 为了支持多租赁,您的应用程序需要实现分布式存储、并行性、安全性和松耦合性。
This loose coupling of coarse-grained components is a cornerstone of the composite application architecture. 粗粒度组件之间的这种松散耦合是复合应用程序体系结构的基础。
Loose coupling makes the code easy to maintain and extensible. 松耦合让代码易于维护和扩展。
Loose coupling ensures that a call is replaceable. 松耦合保证了一个调用是可替换的。
An ESB provides loose coupling at the enterprise resources level through virtualization. ESB通过虚拟化在企业资源级别提供了松散耦合。
SDO provides a neutral representation of business data, fosters a datasource-agnostic model, and promotes loose coupling. SDO为业务数据提供了一种中立的表示方法,建立了一种与数据源无关的模型,降低了耦合度。
Components provide the scalability and flexibility to support the service interfaces with its loose coupling and reuse features. 组件可使用其松散耦合和重用功能提供支持服务接口所需的可伸缩性和灵活性。
Is high performance more important than loose coupling? 高性能是否比松散耦合更为重要?
SOA promotes design principles like loose coupling, separation of concern, implementation encapsulation, and standardized contracts. SOA促进松散耦合、问题分离、实现封装和标准化合同等设计原则。
According to SOA you should apply loose coupling where it is appropriate. 按照SOA的说法,你应该将松耦合应用在适合它的地方。
This list leaves out the most important aspect of loose coupling: ubiquity. 这个列表遗漏了松耦合最重要的一个方面:普遍性。
A inversion of control technique is used to give the benefit of loose coupling and higher extensibility in application. 通过控制反转技术,降低了组件之间的耦合,使框架更加易于扩展,在实际应用中取得了良好的效果。
InfoQ: Could you provide some perspective on loose coupling and SCA? InfoQ:就松耦合和SCA,你们能提供些看法吗?
This results in the ultimate loose coupling and provides the most benefit for portability and interoperability, but it places more of the burden for handling the abstraction onto the developer. 这导致了最终的松耦合,并为可移植性和互操作性提供了更多的益处,但是它给开发者带来了更多处理抽象概念的负担。
It can ensure loose coupling between monitoring system and monitored object at deployment; 能够在部署时保证监控系统和被监控对象的松耦合;
The problem is that the application of loose coupling always has a price. 问题是应用松耦合总是有代价的。
This is because loose coupling is not appropriate at all levels of application design. 这是因为松耦合并不适于应用设计的所有层级。
SOA demands a high level of technical excellence and design because it demands loose coupling, reusability and abstraction. SOA需要高级别的技术优势和设计,因为它要求松耦合、可使用性和抽象。